Ever wonder why you were born into your family? Want to know if you shared lives with your kids or spouse? Want to learn why you were all brought together in this lifetime? Want to understand what you're supposed to learn from these relationships or supposed to teach in these relationships? Learn how to better support your kids, spouse, siblings or parents on their soul path. Learn also your own soul's path. We will also do any healing work needed in the session on these relationships as things come up.
This service specifically looks at family ties and healing within the family unit. May see some past lives shared with different members or higher self may explain what you agreed to learn or teach different members of your family. We can look at multiple family members.
You'll be brought into a very deep meditation or hypnosis where you will connect with your higher self and possibly the higher selves of family members. From here speaking with higher self the part of your soul self that is still connected to the universal energy. The part of you that remembers all your past lives and all the agreements you made with your soul family before coming into this incarnation. You will be guided through the conversation and healing needed for you to understand yourself and your relationships better. You are advised to have some questions prepared before hand to get the most out of the experience. The knowledge all comes through you and is for your highest growth and learning.
Session can run up to 3 hours it's all directed by higher self. All sessions are done over the phone and are recorded so you can listen back on them as needed. You'll need to be in a place where you can relax and be undisturbed for at least 3hrs.
Call today to schedule 518-390-0559